Carsup was born in 2019 as a result of a very simple observation:
Every owner of an exceptional car, ancient or modern, encounters difficulties in the management, the storage, the maintenance or in the purchase, the sale and even, in the use of his car. Relieving collectors of these constraints has since been the sole objective of Carsup.
Create a new, modern, high-end website with a refined design.
Communicating Carsup's values: Quality, Transparency and Innovation
Develop custom features.
The existing website
"Available parkings" page
"Contact" page
Le site existant avait été fait avec WordPress.
Although functional, it was an amateurish-looking site and didn't live up to the standards of an industry leader.
Le but était donc de créer un site professionnel qui montre le niveau de l’entreprise et la qualité de ses services.
Website structure
First of all, we need to determine the pages and structure of the new site.
Pour simplifier, ce schéma contient uniquement les pages les plus importantes du nouveau site.
Cars for sale
Concierge services
Assistance to buy
Assistance to sell
Step 1 of 4
The Design
A website is like a house: it all starts with the plans.
First stage of the project: creation of the various graphic models.
Choice of colors
To keep things luxurious and minimalist, only a few colors have been chosen:
Choice of typography
The typography was already provided by Carsup.
With a graphic identity in place, it was time to create the various site mock-ups
Here are some examples:
Cars for sale
Step 2 of 4
Customized features
Maintenant, il faut développer les fonctionnalités qui vont améliorer l’expérience utilisateur sur le site internet.
Des véhicules en vente
Sort by mileage, make, city, etc.
Les conciergeries disponibles
Possibilité de trouver par pays et par ville.
A pre-filled contact form
The contact form is automatically filled in with a message depending on the button clicked.
Example of a visitor interested in a particular vehicle for sale:
Click on the "I'm interested in this vehicle" button
(Message automatically filled in with the car model concerned)
Un site multilingue
Le site est disponible en français et en anglais.
Step 3 of 4
Website launch
SEO redirects
To avoid losing the Google ranking linked to the old website, it's very important to carry out SEO redirects.
Getting started course
Thanks to the chosen CMS (Webflow), all site information can be modified via a simple, intuitive interface.
The getting started course is always included in the website project to understand how it works and to carry out important actions:
Update texts
Update images
Add/delete vehicles for sale
Add new concierge services locations
Step 4 of 4
Bonus: Web application
Web application for
for Carsup customers
Meanwhile, we await the development of a more complete mobile application.
I created a very simple web application on WordPress.
The objective of the application is to enable customers to log on to a dedicated area and view the latest information about their exceptional vehicles.
Key application figures :
6 hours
Of UI design
2.5 days
Of development
All in all, about 3 days' work to launch a working web application.
+2 other app pages
+2 other app pages
Project summary
It was a beautiful project.
I'm still working with Carsup to add new features to the site or to create sales pages.
And ... That's it !
Do you have a similar project? If so, don't hesitate to contact Juan to set up an appointment to discuss your project.